Dynamic visualisation in the IPython Notebook
Project: | dapbook |
The IPython Notebook is a powerful web app for exploring ideas and data sets with Python. It has excellent integration with Matplotlib, giving the user highly customisable static plots with ease. But for larger data sets, a static plot may not be ideal - the ability to pan, zoom, choose dynamic layers and sample the data at particular points would be nice. This talk will demonstrate just how easy it is to integrate a Web Map Service/client such as Pydap/Leaflet.js into the IPython Notebook.
Brianna Laugher
Brianna is a Python developer at the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research at the Bureau of Meteorology, who is pretty sure intermittent test failures constitute one of the nine circles of hell. She blogs lazily at http://brianna.laugher.id.au/blog and lives in Melbourne, Australia.